Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
UNISOL Organ Recovery Systems, Inc. 2570 East Devon Avenue Des Plaines IL 60018 Solutions to be used in the recovery and preservation of organs, tissues, and cells for transplants;Solutions to be used in the recovery and preservation of organs, tissues, and cells for medical research;
UNISOL LIFELINE SCIENTIFIC, INC. Suite 475W One Pierce Place Itasca IL 60143 Solutions to be used in the recovery and preservation of organs, tissues, and cells for transplants;UNI SOLUTIONS;Solutions to be used in the recovery and preservation of organs, tissues, and cells for medical research;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention is directed to certain fluorinated surfactants, and use thereof in acid etch solutions, such as in aqueous buffered acid etch solutions. The etch solutions are used with a wide variety of substrates, for example, in the etching of silicon oxide-containing substrates.