Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
POLYCARD Multisorb Technologies, Inc. 325 Harlem Road Buffalo NY 14224 Sorbent loaded plastic in flexible sheet or solid form for use in beverage, pharmaceutical, electronics, automotive parts, and aerospace parts packaging;POLY CARD;
POLYSORB Multisorb Technologies, Inc. 325 Harlem Road Buffalo NY 14224 sorbent loaded plastic in flexible sheet or solid form for use in foodstuffs, beverage, industrial, transportation, pharmaceutical, dietary supplement, military, electronics, optical, and medical products and device packaging;POLY SORB; PLY SORBENT;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A hydrocarbon desulfurization system employing regenerable solid sorbent particulates in a fluidized bed desulfurization reactor. The sulfur-loaded sorbent particulates are continuously withdrawn from the reactor and transferred to a regenerator. A novel solids transport mechanism provides for the safe and effective transfer of the sulfur-loaded sorbent particulates from the high pressure hydrocarbon environment of the reactor to the low pressure oxygen environment of the regenerator.