Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
AER MINNTECH CORPORATION 14605 28th Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55447 sterilization unit for medical instruments, namely apparatus for disinfecting and sterilizing endoscopes;
AER PLUS MINNTECH CORPORATION 14605 28th Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55447 sterilization unit for medical instruments, namely apparatus for disinfecting and sterilizing endoscopes;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention relates to a chemical indicator that is used to determine whether instruments and other products to be sterilized have experienced a sterilization treatment process or to confirm whether sterilization has been efficiently performed, by the color tone change of the indicator when sterilizing medical instruments and other products and the like by a hydrogen peroxide low temperature plasma sterilizing method. The present invention provides an indicator for plasma sterilization, wherein an ink comprising a colorless chromogenic pigment, a coloring assistant, a binder (a binding agent) and a solvent for dissolving these, is applied to or printed on a base material, and wherein a color tone change of the indicator occurs by a hydrogen peroxide low temperature sterilization method.