Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
ALUCARBON REFRATECHNIK HOLDING GmbH AdalperostraBe 82 Ismaning 85737 Germany stone and brick for construction; refractory and heat-resistant stone; insulating brick and masonry plates for refractories; and refractory mortar and cement;
KRONEX REFRATECHNIK HOLDING GmbH AdalperostraBe 82 Ismaning 85737 Germany stone and brick for construction; refractory and heat-resistant stone; insulating brick and masonry plates for refractories; and refractory mortar and cement;
MACARBON REFRATECHNIK HOLDING GmbH AdalperostraBe 82 Ismaning 85737 Germany stone and brick for construction; refractory and heat-resistant stone; insulating brick and masonry plates for refractories; and refractory mortar and cement;
REFRALUSIT REFRATECHNIK HOLDING GmbH AdalperostraBe 82 Ismaning 85737 Germany stone and brick for construction; refractory and heat-resistant stone; insulating brick and masonry plates for refractories; and refractory mortar and cement;
REFRATHERM REFRATECHNIK HOLDING GmbH AdalperostraBe 82 Ismaning 85737 Germany stone and brick for construction; refractory and heat-resistant stone; insulating brick and plates; refractory castable mixes for use in the manufacture of fire-proof linings; refractory mortar and cement;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Assembly of sensors formed as an imager with a detection brick including a photosensitive material, a brick for addressing and optionally processing signals from the sensor(s), an interconnection brick located between the detection brick and the addressing brick, this brick including connection pads, characterized in that the photosensitive material of the detection brick contains polymorphous silicon.