Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
MAXETTE ASTRA MEDITEC AKTIEBOLAG BOX 14 431 21 MOLNDAL Sweden surgical suction tips;
MAXETTE ASTRA TECH AKTIEBOLAG Aminogatan 1 Molndal S-431 53 Sweden surgical suction tips;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A selective filtering collection and delivery system for collecting and delivering autogenous bone to and from a surgical site is provided. The selective filtering collection device includes a suction nozzle, suction nozzle assembly and a vacuum source. Disposed in parallel between the suction nozzle assembly and the vacuum source are a removable filter cartridge and a filter bypass tube. A switch on the suction nozzle assembly may be actuated to provide suction to the suction nozzle through either the bypass tube or through the filter cartridge. When suction is applied through the filter cartridge, autogenous bone is collected on a filter medium within the cartridge. Additionally, the cartridge may be removed and directly placed into a delivery device. The delivery device includes a ratchet system that actuates a plunger base to accurately extrude the bone material from the filter cartridge into the desired surgical location.