Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
DICTACOM DICTAPHONE CORPORATION Rye NY Telephone Answering and Recording Module for Dictation Equipment with Remote Dictating and Transmitting Capability;
MESSAGEMASTER DICTAPHONE CORPORATION Rye NY Telephone Answering and Recording Module for Dictation Equipment;
Q-CALL DICTAPHONE CORPORATION Rye NY Telephone Answering and Recording Module for Dictation Equipment with Remote Transmitting Capability;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system and method are provided for answering Home Network telephone calls. The method comprises: receiving telephone calls addressed to a Home Network endpoint; routing the received calls from a gateway to the endpoint; and, automatically recording the received call at a telephone answering device (TAD). The call can be recorded by an endpoint, the gateway, or an external line service provider facility central office or web site. Telephone calls can be addressed to an endpoint from external communication media or another endpoint. Some aspects of the method include sending notification that a message has been recorded. The gateway may initiate the notification. Alternately, the gateway may receive a request for any TAD information that may exist for an addressed endpoint, and if a message exists, the TAD creates a bridge between the TAD and a requesting entity to forward the notification.