Brand Owner Address Description
STORY STATIONS American Companies, Inc., The 2101 N. TOPEKA Topeka KS 66608 thematic literature package, namely thematically-related books, teacher's guide and activity cards for use in developing reading skills in elementary school;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Word sense ambiguity, for "thematic" words in a sentence, is achieved based on thematic prediction. The senses of "thematic" words are disambiguated in a sentence by determining and weighting possible themes for that sentence. Possible themes are determined for that sentence based on thematic information associated with the different senses of each word in the sentence. A highly deterministic thematic-based word sense disambiguation method is used to preprocess the sentence prior to further syntactic and semantic analysis, thereby enhancing accuracy and decreasing the demand for computational resources (memory and CPU) by reducing input ambiguities.