Brand Owner Address Description
ASTRO LAB NATURAL SCIENCE INDUSTRIES, LTD. 105 PRICE PARKWAY FARMINGDALE NY 117351318 Toy planetariums and toy astronomy hobby craft sets for performing science experiments;ASTRONOMY LABORATORY;LAB;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Methods for mitigating sidelobes and aliases, providing levels of suppression in excess of 20 dB. The methods may include 1) a version of the CLEAN algorithm developed in radio astronomy, modified to work on sub-aperture images; 2) weighting functions based on the phase and amplitude statistics of the sub-aperture image pixels to select points in the CLEAN algorithm; and 3) weighting functions based on the phase and amplitude statistics of the sub-aperture image pixels to mitigate sidelobes and aliases, in conjunction with CLEAN or separately. The methods may be used with all synthetic aperture techniques and are not limited to SAR.