Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
RANGER Goodson & Associates, Inc. 11949 West Colfax Avenue Lakewood CO 80215 traffic radar;
SPEEDGUN MPH INDUSTRIES, INC. 316 East 9th Street Owensboro KY 42303 Traffic Radar;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A radar activated brake light device to be integrated into a vehicle to alert drivers of potentially hazardous changes in traffic speed consisting of a radar device to measure the speed of a forward vehicle; a sensor input from the speedometer of the radar-equipped vehicle; a computer processor to evaluate the data for potentially hazardous speed changes; a luminous display mounted on the radar-equipped vehicle to warn the driver of a trailing vehicle; and, optionally, a warning light and warning buzzer mounted internally to the radar-equipped vehicle to alert the driver of the radar-equipped vehicle of potentially hazardous speed changes.