Brand Owner Address Description
TTVENDORSEARCH.COM AMERICAN TRUCKING ASSOCIATIONS, INC. 80 M Street, SE, Suite 800 Washington DC 20003 TRANSPORT TOPIC VENDOR SEARCH DOT COM;Promoting the goods and services of others in the trucking industry by providing a website at which others can link to information concerning those goods and services;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. At least one topic in text data is determined by a topic determiner (4). A topic thread determiner (5) identifies in the text data context data associated with the at least one determined topic and provides topic representation data defining a graphical representation of the at least one topic in which are distributed visual indicia representing at least some of the context data with the distribution of the visual indicia indicating the positions within the text of the corresponding context data. The topic thread determiner (5) provides the topic representation data for display to a user on a display.