Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
NORBEST HOME STYLE NORBEST P.O. BOX 890 MORONI UT 84646 turkey based sandwiches;fresh and frozen turkey and turkey portions; turkey base meats; cooked and further processed turkey;
SANPETE BBQ NORBEST P.O. BOX 890 MORONI UT 84646 turkey based sandwiches;fresh and frozen turkey and turkey portions; turkey based meats; cooked and further processed turkey;BBQ;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A cooking facilitator which is preferably portable and well suited for use as both a timer and cooking process facilitator having particular usefulness with cooking objects which have a characteristic associated with establishing a cooking time such as the weight of a turkey in the case of deep frying a turkey or the thickness of a steak in deep frying the same. A gas flow timer for shutting off an overheated or unattended cooking system is also featured.