Brand Owner Address Description
USAMERICAS USAmericas Inc 4306 Highborne Dr NE Marietta GA 30066 UNITED STATES AMERICAS;International business consulting services relating to merchandise trading, human resource interchange, management support, marketing, advertising, promotion, and domestic and international market research and development;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An interactive game system for providing a spoons related game that promotes education of the United States. The interactive game system includes providing a card deck, a plurality of data cards, a plurality of playing spoons, and a data spoon. The data cards and the data spoon preferably include information regarding a subject such as the United States or a specific state. Based upon the number of players (N) present, N-1 data cards are inserted into the card deck and N-2 playing spoons along with the data spoon are placed in the center of the playing table. Each player is dealt five cards and the dealer then draws a card from the card deck. The dealer then may retain or pass the card to the player to their left. Play is continued until a player has four matching playing cards and a data card in their hand.