Brand Owner Address Description
LIBERTY LEG BAG LIBERTY NIGHT BAG Global Medical Research Suite 202 807 W. Morse Boulevard Winter Park FL 327893726 urine collection bags for catheterized patients;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system for collecting urine specimens from pet or animal comprising an elongated tray section having at one end a collection chamber for collecting a predetermined volume of urine in fluid communication with an open section of said tray to receive a stream of urine from the pet or animal, a discharge port at the opposite end of said tray and a specimen vial removably mounted to the discharge end of said tray whereby when an animal is urinating, the device is positioned under the stream with the collection chamber end downwardly inclined so that a sufficient quantity flows into the collection chamber to predetermined level and then tilting the device in a reverse direction so the collected sample flows into the specimen vial and is sealed.