Brand Owner Address Description
ADVINCULA ARCH CooperSurgical, Inc. 95 Corporate Drive Trumbull CT 06611 UTERINE MANIPULATOR HANDLE;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Non-permanent occlusion of the uterine arteries is sufficient to cause the demise of uterine myomata without unnecessarily exposing other tissues and anatomical structures to hypoxia attendant to prior permanent occlusion techniques. A therapeutically effective transient time of occlusion of a uterine artery to treat uterine fibroid tumors is from 1 hours to 24 hours, and preferably is at least about 4 hours. A therapeutically effective temporary time of occlusion of a uterine artery to treat uterine fibroid tumors is from 1 day (24 hours) to 7 days (168 hours), and preferably is about 4 days (96 hours). By invaginating the tissues of the vaginal wall up to or around a uterine artery, collapse of the uterine artery can be achieved without penetrating tissue of the patient.