Brand Owner Address Description
VARIAGENIC Variagenics, Inc. 60 Hampshire Street Cambridge MA 02139 VARIA GENIC;providing medical information relating to the identification in a patient of genetic variations affecting drug action and the development of pharmaceutical preparations whose mechanism of action is related to the said genetic variation in the treatment of cancer, proliferative diseases, inflammatory diseases, neurological diseases, or cardiovascular diseases;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Conjugated peptides include a first peptide component which is an antigen associated with autoimmune disease, allergy, asthma or transplantation rejection and binds to an antigen-specific receptor on a T cell, and a second peptide component which corresponds to an "antigen presenting molecule", namely, a peptide binding to a T cell surface receptor, which would normally promote T cell activation when the first peptide is bound to its antigen-specific T cell receptor. However, in this invention, the second peptide component has an amino acid sequence which is a modification of an antigen presenting T cell binding peptide, such modification blocking or inhibiting the engagement of receptor sites on the T cell surface (other than the antigen-specific T cell receptor). As a result, T cell activation is prevented, and is directed through antigen-specific T cell receptor occupation, without T cell activation, leading to antigen-specific T cell anergy and cell death. Administration of the conjugated peptide to an animal will provide protection against disease associated with the first peptide component, resulting from the elimination of the T cells bearing the antigen-specific receptors for that anti genic peptide. The conjugated peptides of this invention provide antigen-specific protection without impairing the immune response to other antigens.