Brand Owner Address Description
GENERAL VISION SERVICES EYEGLASS FACTORY STORE GENERAL VISION SERVICES INC. 330 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK NY 10036 VISION SERVICES EYEGLASS FACTORY STORE;retail store services in the field of eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, eye examination services and hearing aid evaluations;The lining in the drawing is a feature of the mark and is not intended to indicate color.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system and method for remotely ordering and purchasing eyeglasses via a network includes a user interface unit, an eyeglass ordering and marketing service center, and a network that connects therebetween. The system includes an eyeglass frame selection unit for selecting eyeglass frames from among a plurality of eyeglass frames in response to user input, a unit for creating display information concerning eyeglass frames, a unit for testing the vision of the user, and an eyeglass lens selection unit for selecting lenses from among a plurality of eyeglass lenses in response to user input. The system also includes an eyeglass ordering and marketing processor wherein the frame selection unit, the vision test unit, and the lens selection unit performing a vision test in response to the requirements of the user. Appropriate eyeglass frames and eyeglass lenses are determined which best fit the user.