Brand Owner Address Description
WAIFE & ASSOCIATES Waife & Associates, Inc. 62 Warren Street Needham MA 02492 WAIFE AND ASSOCIATES;Business consulting services in the field of business management relating to clinical research technology;& ASSOCIATES;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A polysaccharide coated carrier having a coating of at least two successive layers of polysaccharide. The first polysaccharide layer spontaneously associates with a second polysaccharide layer and, optionally, the carrier. Each successive layer of polysaccharide spontaneously associates with a preceding layer. Spontaneous association occurs due to the presence of oppositely charged functional groups on each layer of polysaccharide or due to a spontaneous reaction between the functional groups the layers. The carrier may be any surface such as a tube, microtitration plate, bead, particle or the like and is suitable for use in diagnostic or therapeutic methods.