Brand Owner Address Description
WAB ROYCE AG OCOSTRASSE 20 ZURZACH Switzerland water absorption cushions, bags, pockets and flexible pipes for use in absorbing water; cellulose fibers mixed with plastic fibers for use in the manufacture of water absorption pulps;chemical products for the absorption of water; water absorption polymers for use in the manufacture of water absorption cushions, bags, pockets and flexible pipes;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A slip covered sofa having removable seat cushions which are separately slip covered by a single bag-like cover into which the seat cushions are inserted and which has excess material extending beyond the cushions, the excess material being and folded under the cushions at each end to hold the material on the upper surface of the cushions taut when the cushions are in place on the sofa.