Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
METER MOD II GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (Trademarks: 801-4) 901 Main Avenue Norwalk CT 06851 Watt-Hour Meter Panel Assemblies-Namely, Main Lugs, Busbars, Meter Sockets and Circuit Breaker Mounting Bases in a Common Preassembled Enclosure;No claim is made to the exclusive right to use Meter and Mod, apart from the mark as shown.;2;
MINI MOD II GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, THE Syracuse NY Watt-Hour Meter Panel Assemblies-Namely, Main Lugs, Busbars, Meter Sockets and Circuit Breaker Mounting Basis in a Common Preassembled Enclosure;No claim is made to the exclusive right to use Mod, apart from the mark as shown.;2;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for securing a box cover to a watt-hour meter socket box. In certain embodiments, the apparatus has a clamping member that fits over a wall of a meter box, and a lock housing that locks to the clamping member after a box cover has been installed, thereby securing the cover to the box in a manner such that the box cover cannot be installed unless the clamping member has been installed correctly. In various other embodiments, the clamping member includes a clamp disposed between a clamp actuating member and a fastening shelf. In various other embodiments, the clamp includes a stopping member for indicating when the clamp actuating member is actuated into a fully secured position.