Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
DURA Dura Corporation Southfield MI Window-Regulators;
DURA Dura Corporation Southfield MI Window Regulators;
DURA Dura Mechanical Hardware Co., Inc. NOS. 2288-2298 SOUTH ALBION STREET Toledo OH Window-Regulators;
DURA Dura Company, The NUMBERS 2288-2298 SOUTH ALBION STREET Toledo OH Window Regulators;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A semi-clockless, cascaded, current-mode regulator has a first regulator that receives a clock signal from a controller. By 'semi-clockless' is meant that a clock signal is applied to the first of a cascaded plurality of regulators, and that as a result of the cascading of clock delay circuits in each of the regulators, the remaining regulators receive sequentially delayed versions of the clock signal applied to the first regulator. The regulators are coupled to control the operations of associated pulse width modulation controlled switching circuits. Outputs of the switching circuits are combined to realize a multi-phase output voltage.