Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CUSTOM COMFORT THROUGHOUT YOUR HOME RESEARCH PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1015 East Washington Avenue Madison WI 53703 zone control systems for home heating and air conditioning comprising a series of thermostats connected to a control panel which opens and closes a series of dampers;
PERFECTTEMP RESEARCH PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1015 East Washington Avenue Madison WI 53703 zone control systems for home heating and air conditioning comprising of a series of thermostats connected to a control panel which opens and closes a series of dampers;PERFECT TEMP;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A zone climate control system and method of its operation. A zone can be a single room. A method for determining which zones' vents are to be closed, and which are to be opened, in performing heating or cooling, circulation to heat or cool a zone by mixing its air with air from another zone, circulation to reduce excessive conditioning of a zone by mixing its air with air from another zone, or circulation to maintain air quality. Airflow, thermal capacity, heating or cooling requirements, and other parameters are developed for each zone by measurement and/or derivation. Plenum pressure is predicted and managed.