Environmentally active concrete

Patent Number: 9386761

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

In order to reduce the amount of an organism attractant substance remaining inside concrete that tends be used wastefully and also to allow the organism attractant substance to effectively flow out gradually in a long period of time, an environmentally active, preserving and repairing-use concrete block is provided in which the air content and flowability of the concrete are increased, and the congregating and growing effects for fishes and shellfishes and the adhering and growing effects for algae are maintained so that a high attractant effect by odor of the organism attractant substance is obtained. An environmentally active preserving and repairing-use concrete block is provided with at least three or more legs, and in this structure the environmentally active preserving and repairing-use concrete block is formed by using an environmentally active preserving and repairing-use concrete having high air content and high flowability formed by kneading an organism attractant substance having a specific odor therein.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Tatsuru Tabohashi - - -
Masaki Kobayashi - - -
Takaki Yukimoto - - -
Yasuhiro Kaneko - - -
Seishi Tokunaga - - -
Hirokazu Nishimura - - -
Kazuhiro Sato - - -
Chizuru Tara - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
E 02 B 3 12
A 01 K 61 00
A 01 N 25 00
A 01 N 37 50
C 04 B 14 00
C 04 B 24 12
C 04 B 24 14
C 04 B 28 02
C 04 B 103 30
C 04 B 111 00
C 04 B 111 72
C 04 B 111 74


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Nikken Kogaku Co., LTD - - - - -