Extruded compositions suitable for use in food products and processes of making thereof

Patent Number: 9386785

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

A process for the extrusion of a composition from an extruder, which composition is suitable for use in a food product, is disclosed. The process provides a composition which is comprised of a hydrophilicized carrier and surface-active compound which is extruded. The process describes adding the surface-active compound after the carrier is hydrophilicized.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Peter Horlacher - - -
Hartmut Gölitz - - -
Andreas Funke - - -
Wolfgang Adams - - -
Friedrich Kielmeyer - - -
Ingo Tralles - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 23 L 1 00
A 23 L 1 0522
A 21 D 2 14
A 21 D 2 16
A 21 D 2 18
A 23 L 1 035


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Cognis IP Management GmbH - - - - -