Fibrous composite tobacco-containing materials

Patent Number: 9386800

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

Smokeless tobacco products suitable for oral consumption are provided. The smokeless tobacco products include a tobacco composition and at least one fibrous structure enclosing at least a portion of the outer surface of the tobacco composition such that the fibrous structure and the tobacco composition form a cohesive structure capable of maintaining cohesion when placed in an oral cavity, wherein the fibrous structure includes one or more of (i) a warp knitted structure; (ii) a plurality of reinforcing fibers attached to the tobacco composition; (iii) a braided sleeve; and (iv) a spacer fabric. A process for preparing a smokeless tobacco product adapted for oral consumption is also provided, the process including the step of enclosing at least a portion of the outer surface of a tobacco composition with a fibrous structure to form a composite structure.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Andries Don Sebastian - - -
Jason Kobisky - - -
Bruce Bengtsson - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 24 B 13 00
A 24 B 13 02
B 65 B 29 00
B 65 B 51 07
B 65 B 51 09
B 65 B 51 10
A 24 B 15 12
A 24 B 15 18


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company - - - - -