Brands and Their Owners
Patent Number: 9386848
Patent Date: 2016-07-12
Patent type: utility
A fixing device for fixing a front panel on a drawer includes a furniture fitting which is preassembled on the front panel. The furniture fitting has at least one connecting piece which projects from the front panel and a pin which runs transverse to the connecting piece. A catching device is associated with the drawer. The catching device automatically retains the furniture fitting when the furniture fitting is inserted, and the catching device has a movable spring-loaded catching element which is triggered by the pin and which retains the pin. The catching element is moved along a guiding plate. A deflecting element is provided on a guiding plate face near the front panel for deflecting the furniture fitting which is preassembled in the front panel. The deflecting element is formed as a projection which projects laterally.
First Name | Last Name | City | State | Country |
Andreas | Holzapfel | - | - | - |
Section | Class | Sub Class | Group | Sub Group |
A | 47 | B | 88 | 00 |
Organization | First Name | Last Name | City | State | Country |
Julius Blum GmbH | - | - | - | - | - |