Multi-functional bib and apron

Patent Number: 9386806

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

The invention provides a bib and apron apparatus having a first member defining a bib sized to be fitted around a user's neck and a second member defining an apron sized to cover the user's body between the stomach and legs. A pocket is located on the bib for housing snacks or other items essential to the user. The first member includes an attachment mechanism that connects to an attachment mechanism on the second member such that the connected first and second members covers nearly the full body of the user to prevent staining any portion of the user's clothing or for hygienic purposes. An apron having safety pockets for storing apron securing straps therein when the bib is attached thereto. The apron and bib further includes at least one safety flap for selectively covering and protecting the attachment mechanisms and/or a user's body.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Teresa Bailey - - -
Erin C. Bailey - - -
Ebony C. Bailey - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 41 B 13 10