242 LLC

 242 LLC contact information is shown below
Owner:242 LLC
Owner Address:271 SW 33rd Court Fort Lauderdale FL 33315
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned by242 LLC




The mark consists of A silver border enclosing a black rounded rectangle; inside the rounded rectangle is a white lower-case m, inverted so that the right-most line, appears as a lower case i, the dot of which is positioned above the pinnacle.;downloadable mobile applications featuring information regarding transportation services and bookings for transportation services;Transportation of passengers by motorized vehicle; Transportation of passengers by vehicle through a network of transportation providers; Providing a website featuring information regarding transportation services and bookings for transportation services; transport by motorized vehicles; travel arrangement, namely, arranging vehicle transportation through a network of transportation providers;MY;The color(s) silver, black, and white is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.;
