ADVIATOR LIMITED contact information is shown below
Owner Address:MAGNUM HOUSE, 3030 Chrysanthou Mylona, 10 Limassol Cyprus
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Consumer coupons downloaded from a global computer network; Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application that allows users to obtain rebates, discounts, cash-back, coupons, vouchers and special offers in the nature of free shipping, dollar or percentage price reductions, free products or services, access to exclusive or limited products and services, and limited time offers for purchasing the products and services of the participating businesses of others;Providing access to databases; providing online forums in the field of sales, rebates, coupons and cash-back; transmission of electronic mail;Providing cash and other rebates for credit card use as part of a customer loyalty program;Advertising and marketing services, namely, promoting the goods and services of others; customer loyalty services and customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes; administration of a program for enabling participants to obtain discounts on goods and services and receive improved goods and services; membership club services providing discounts and processing rebates for the goods and services of others; promoting the goods and services of others by providing a web site featuring coupons, rebates, vouchers, price-comparison information, product reviews, links to the retail web sites of others, and discount information; promoting the goods and services of others namely, providing information regarding discounts, coupons, rebates, vouchers and special offers for the goods and services of others via a web site and a network of affiliated web sites, via blogs, via on-line social networks and via mobile devices; administering a program for enabling participating members to obtain rebates, discounts, cash-back, coupons, vouchers and special offers in the nature of free shipping, dollar or percentage price reductions, free products or services, access to exclusive or limited products and services, and limited time offers for purchasing the products and services of the participating businesses of others; promoting the goods and services of others by means of administering rebates and operating an on-line shopping mall with links to the retail web sites of others;Providing online shopping rebates of others;