Agie Charmilles Holding AG

 Agie Charmilles Holding AG contact information is shown below
Owner Address:Bundesplatz 1 Zug 6300 Switzerland
Owner Web Site
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Brands Owned byAgie Charmilles Holding AG




[ Electrical, electronic and numerical controls for machine tools, computers and software for numerical controls for machine tools; software for the operation of machine tools; data carriers for the software of numerical controls, machining parameters or machining programs; computers and software for CAD/CAM; ] testing equipment for measuring the temperature, pressure, position or form of workpieces in a machine tool;Generators and machine tools for electroerosion of metals; [ electronic or partially electronic machine tools; machine tools with numerical control, generators and control devices of machines for electrical machining, particularly for electrical-discharge machining, apparatus and control devices for numerically controlled machine tools; grinding machines, ] electroerosion cutting machines, particularly machines for electrical-discharge machining [, and electroerosion machines with rotary electrode; electrical-discharge machining generators for machine tools ]; units for producing current [ and other energy sources ] ; wire-cut electrical-discharge machines; [ tool changers for changing tools between a tool magazine and a spindle, work-piece magazines, pallet changers for changing pallets between a work-piece magazine and a machining zone, manipulators for tools and work-pieces ];[ Printed instructional and teaching material in the field of electrical machining of metals ];AGIE CHARMILLES;