Angany Inc.

 Angany Inc. contact information is shown below
Owner Address:873 Rue Saint-Jean, suite 200 Quebec (Quebec) G1R1R2 Canada
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Brands Owned byAngany Inc.




(Based on 44(d) Priority Application) (Based on Intent to Use) Protein arrays for medical diagnosis purposes; proteins arrays for therapeutic use for treating cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection disease, and inflammatory disease; biopharmaceuticals for treatment of cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection disease; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of allergy, cancer, infectious diseases and immune diseases; pharmacological preparations able to effect immunotherapy with specific attributes of potency and safety;E BIO PARTICLE;(Based on 44(d) Priority Application) (Based on Intent to Use) Chemicals for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; proteins for immunoassay for detection, for diagnostic purposes, for therapeutic purposes and for treatment of cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection diseases; all of the foregoing expressly excluding biologically-derived particles that can be fluorescently-labeled for scientific research purposes;(Based on 44(d) Priority Application) (Based on Intent to Use) Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines; drug discovery services; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring artificial intelligence software for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining in the field of providing pharmaceutical products in order to create as many therapeutic different therapeutic agents deemed in the pharmaceutical industry and nanoparticles; platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring artificial intelligence software platforms for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining for use in the field of pharmacological and pharmaceutical products in order to create as many therapeutic different therapeutic agents deemed in the pharmaceutical industry and nanoparticles; platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring computer software platforms for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining for use in the field of pharmacological and pharmaceutical applications that is an immunomodulatory vector on which biologic targets determine the pertinence and use of these pharmacological agents;




(Based on 44(d) Priority Application) (Based on Intent to Use) Protein arrays for medical diagnosis purposes; proteins arrays for therapeutic use for treating cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection disease, and inflammatory disease; biopharmaceuticals for treatment of cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection disease; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of allergy, cancer, infectious diseases and immune diseases; pharmacological preparations able to effect immunotherapy with specific attributes of potency and safety;EBIOPARTICLE POTENTIATED IMMUNOTHERAPY;(Based on 44(d) Priority Application) (Based on Intent to Use) Chemicals for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; proteins for immunoassay for detection, for diagnostic purposes, for therapeutic purposes and for treatment of cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection diseases; all of the foregoing expressly excluding biologically-derived particles that can be fluorescently-labeled for scientific research purposes;(Based on 44(d) Priority Application) (Based on Intent to Use) Medical services, namely, vaccinal pharmacologic treatment of autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, infectious diseases and allergies; health care services, namely, desensitization treatments for allergy; medical services, namely, immunotherapy in the fields of cancer, autoimmune, infectious disease and orphan diseases conditions in humans and veterinary applications; medical treatment of allergies, cancer, and auto-immune diseases destined to generate, in response to its administration in patients, the production of the patient's own antibodies;IMMUNOTHERAPY;(Based on 44(d) Priority Application) (Based on Intent to Use) Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines; drug discovery services; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring artificial intelligence software for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining in the field of providing pharmaceutical products in order to create as many therapeutic different therapeutic agents deemed in the pharmaceutical industry and nanoparticles; platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring artificial intelligence software platforms for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining for use in the field of pharmacological and pharmaceutical products in order to create as many therapeutic different therapeutic agents deemed in the pharmaceutical industry and nanoparticles; platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring computer software platforms for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining for use in the field of pharmacological and pharmaceutical applications that is an immunomodulatory vector on which biologic targets determine the pertinence and use of these pharmacological agents;




Protein arrays for medical diagnosis purposes; Protein arrays for therapeutic use for treating cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection disease, and inflammatory disease; biopharmaceuticals for treatment of cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection disease;E BPIT;Chemicals for scientific, laboratory and medical research; chemicals for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; biochemicals, namely, antibodies for scientific, laboratory and medical research; proteins for immunoassay for detection, for diagnostic purposes, for therapeutic purposes, and for treatment of cancer, allergies, autoimmune disease, infection diseases;Medical services, namely, vaccinal pharmacologic treatment of autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, infectious diseases and allergies; health care services, namely, desensitization treatments for allergy; medical services, namely, immunotherapy in the fields of cancer, autoimmune, infectious disease and orphan diseases conditions in humans and veterinary applications; medical treatment of allergies, cancer, and auto-immune diseases destined to generate, in response to its administration in patients, the production of the patient's own antibodies;Development of pharmaceutical preparations and medicines; pharmaceutical research and development; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring artificial intelligence software for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining in the field of vaccinal pharmacologic treatment and allergy medications; platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring artificial intelligence software platforms for use in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare fields, namely, for diagnostic and therapeutic use, and for data mining for use in the field of vaccinal pharmacologic treatment and allergy medications;