Career Muse LLC

 Career Muse LLC contact information is shown below
Owner Address:500 Yale ave N Seattle WA 98109
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byCareer Muse LLC




Career advancement consulting services in the field of Information technology; Career placement; Career placement and career information services for graduating students provided by means of a call center; Career placement consulting services; Career planning services; Consulting services in the field of human resources development, namely, for the promotion of employee retention, career growth, and increased productivity for employees and employers; Consulting services in the field of human resources development, namely, utilizing technology for the promotion of employee retention, career growth and increased productivity for employees and employers; Employment hiring, recruiting, placement, staffing and career networking services; Promoting public interest in education, recognition, career advancement, and leadership for elite managers and executives in corporations and professional service firms; Providing a job-readiness and career-development website featuring information for collegiate athletes that have graduated or who are graduating; Providing a website featuring content on news relating to philanthropy marketing strategies, covering monetary giving trends and statistics, volunteer/career opportunities and best practices for successful digital philanthropy efforts; Providing career information; Providing career information in the field of Information technology; Providing on-line employment information in the field of Information technology; Testing, analysis and evaluation of the broad knowledge, experience and professional judgment of public relations professionals for purposes of career enhancement and advancement in the field of public relations;CAREER;