Carbon Sink Clearing House, LLC

 Carbon Sink Clearing House, LLC contact information is shown below
Owner Address:4605 Post Oak Place, Suite 280 Houston TX 77027
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byCarbon Sink Clearing House, LLC


IC 3


The mark consists of the letters I and C followed by the number 3 in superscript.;IC THREE;IC CUBED;Trading of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emission credits, allowances or offsets of others; Trading of carbon credits; Financial consulting services in the field of carbon credits;Provision of an on-line marketplace for Buyers and Sellers of carbon credits; Provision of a marketplace for suppliers of carbon credits with producers of carbon emissions or any one else seeking carbon credits; Operating a marketplace for suppliers of carbon credits with producers of carbon emissions or any one else seeking carbon credits; Operating a marketplace for over-the-counter purchasing of carbon credits; Business consulting services in the field of carbon credits;
