Charles Anthony Philip Pozzi

 Charles Anthony Philip Pozzi contact information is shown below
Owner Address:Via Rosolino Pilo 19b I-20149 Milano (MI) Italy
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
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Brands Owned byCharles Anthony Philip Pozzi




Information technology and audiovisual equipment; data storage devices; speech recognition apparatus; label readers decoders; electronic digitisers; electronic dictionaries; time data generators; electronic book readers; electronic personal organisers; recorded content; computer software; data recorded electronically; databases (electronic);Telecommunication services; computer communication and internet access; providing chat lines utilising the internet; providing on-line electronic bulletin board services and chat rooms; providing access to weblogs; arranging access to databases on the internet; provision of access to web pages; news agencies; data communication by electronic means; communication of data by means of telecommunications; communication of information by electronic means; communication of information by satellite; electronic network communications; communication by electronic means; electronic communications consultancy; delivery of digital audio and/or video by telecommunications; provision of information relating to media communications; virtual chatrooms established via text messaging; providing access to electronic communications networks and electronic databases; providing access to telecommunication networks; provision of communications facilities for interchange of electronic data; information about telecommunication; sending transmission of news; message services; information and advisory services relating to telecommunication services; telecommunications access services; news agency services transmission of news; wire agency communication services; communication services for the electronic transmission of data; audiovisual communication services; data communication services accessible by password; digital communications services; electronic communications services; communication services for the electronic transmission of images; communication services for the electronic transmission of voices; communication services for the transmission of information by electronic means; wireless communications services; information services relating to telecommunications; information services relating to electronic communication networks; digital network telecommunications services; interactive telecommunications services; digital transmission services; interactive broadcasting and communications services; message sending; transmission of short messages; transmission of messages and images; transmission of vision via interactive multimedia networks; electronic transmission of messages and data; network transmission of sounds, images, signals and data;Advertising, marketing and promotional services; market research;