Cisse Keita, Moussa

 Cisse Keita, Moussa contact information is shown below
Owner Address:4-6907 Wiseman Avenue Montreal, Quebec H3N2N1 Canada
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Brands Owned byCisse Keita, Moussa




I LOCK;Providing a web-based system and online platform featuring non-downloadable computer software for use in the field of residential rental, for streamlining and optimizing the supply and demand for housing rental, namely, software for virtually connecting prospective tenants and landlords, and providing users with the capability to conduct personalized research and personalized housing selection using geolocation; Providing a web-based system and online platform featuring non-downloadable computer software that provides an online marketplace via a global computer network in the field of housing rental; Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring computer software allowing access to a digital lease; Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring computer software giving access to a digital lease allowing automatic electronic processing and payments of rent; Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for connecting tenants and landlords and enabling them to create and access personal profiles and specification sheets that feature user-generated informations and data, for the purpose of screening, monitoring, assessing and mitigating rental risks through reviews, ratings, feedback, comments and recommendations related to personal background, payment history and behavior; Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for use in the field of residential rental, namely software for streamlining and optimizing the supply and demand for housing rental by facilitating sublease, assignment of lease and roommate pairing by virtually connecting users; Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for use in accesing a directory indexing system that displays user profiles with complete records of all renting history and user credentials, which is used to provide accurate informations for validation and security purposes; Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for use in the field of residential rental, namely for use in accessing specification sheets in order to monitor the fulfilment of tenants and landlords obligations and responsibilities under the lease; Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for use in the field of residential rental, enabling tenants and landlords to communicate via instant messaging;

Category: LOCK