Cycode Ltd.

 Cycode Ltd. contact information is shown below
Owner Address:45 Rothschild Blvd, Beit Zion Floor 7 Tel Aviv 6578403 Israel
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Brands Owned byCycode Ltd.




Downloadable computer software to monitor, maintain, and enforce security in software, and the software development lifecycle in, cloud, mobile, and local/on-premises computing environments; and for prevention of security threats and issues in software, and the software development lifecycle in, cloud, mobile, and local/on-premises computing environments; and to enable the set-up and maintenance of infrastructure as a code security in the software development lifecycle;featuring software to monitor, maintain, and enforce security in software, and the software development lifecycle in, cloud, mobile, and local/on-premises computing environments;, for prevention of security threats and issues in software, and the software development lifecycle in, cloud, mobile, and local/on-premises computing environments;, and to enable the set-up and maintenance of infrastructure as a code security in the software development lifecycle; providing information regarding research in the fields of cyber security, computer software protection and source code vulnerabilities, all in the software development lifecycle; providing information regarding the selection and implementation of software and source code security policies and compliance therewith, all in the software development lifecycle;