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Development and dissemination of printed educational materials of others in the field of economics; educational services, namely, providing classes, seminars and workshops in the fields of economics; educational services, namely, providing on-line animation based instruction in the fields of economics; entertainment services, namely, multimedia production services; entertainment services, namely, providing video podcasts in the field of economics; entertainment services, namely, displaying a series of films; entertainment and education services in the nature of a series of short shows featuring animated video summaries of academic economics distributed to mobile handsets, which may include video, text, photos, illustrations or hypertext; on-line journals, namely, blogs featuring academic economics; providing information in the field of entertainment, featuring animation rendered by means of a global computer network; providing a website featuring blogs and non-downloadable publications in the nature of articles, brochures, and journal posts in the field(s) of academic economics; educational services, namely, conducting informal on-line programs in the fields of economics, and printable materials distributed therewith; educational services, namely, providing courses of instruction at the primary, secondary and college level level and distribution of course material in connection therewith; educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars and workshops in the field of economics and distribution of course and educational materials in connection therewith; entertainment services, namely, personal appearances by a (an) academic economist; entertainment services, namely, production of special effects including model-making services and related physical production elements for use in motion pictures; entertainment services, namely, providing ongoing webisodes featuring animated videos via a global computer network; entertainment services, namely, providing a web site featuring photographic and prose presentations featuring economics; entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring animated summaries of academic economic research provided through webcasts; entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring animated video programs provided through webcasts; entertainment services, namely, an ongoing multimedia program featuring animated summaries of academic economic research distributed via various platforms across multiple forms of transmission media; entertainment services, namely, the provision of continuing programs featuring animated videos delivered by the internet;




Providing information in the field of entertainment rendered by means of a global computer network featuring animation; Educational services, namely, providing classes, seminars and workshops in the field of economics; Entertainment services, namely, multimedia production services; Entertainment services, namely, displaying a series of films; Entertainment services, namely, providing video podcasts in the field of economics; Entertainment services, namely, providing a web site featuring photographic and prose presentations featuring economics; Entertainment services, namely, providing ongoing webisodes featuring animated videos via a global computer network; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing multimedia program featuring animated programs featuring animated summaries of academic economic research distributed via various platforms across multiple forms of transmission media; Entertainment services, namely, production of special effects including model-making services and related physical production elements for use in motion pictures; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring animated summaries of academic economic research provided through webcasts; Entertainment services, namely, the provision of continuing programs featuring animated videos delivered by the internet; Development and dissemination of printed educational materials of others in the field of economics; Educational services, namely, conducting informal on-line programs in the fields of economics and printable materials distributed therewith; Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars and workshops in the field of economics and distribution of course and educational materials in connection therewith; Educational services, namely, providing courses of instruction at the primary, secondary and college level and distribution of course material in connection therewith; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring animated video programs in the field of economics provided through webcasts; Entertainment and education services in the nature of a series of short shows featuring animated video summaries of academic economics distributed to mobile handsets, which may include video, text, photos, illustrations or hypertext; On-line journals, namely, blogs featuring academic economics; Providing a website featuring blogs and non-downloadable publications in the nature of articles, brochures, and journal posts in the field of academic economics; Education services, namely, providing on-line animation based instruction in the field of economics; Entertainment services, namely, personal appearances by an academic economist;




Development and dissemination of printed educational materials of others in the field of economics; Educational services, namely, providing classes, seminars and workshops in the fields of economics; Educational services, namely, providing on-line animation based instruction in the fields of economics; Entertainment services, namely, multimedia production services; Entertainment services, namely, providing video podcasts in the field of economics; Entertainment services, namely, displaying a series of films; Entertainment and education services in the nature of a series of short shows featuring animated video summaries of academic economics distributed to mobile handsets, which may include video, text, photos, illustrations or hypertext; On-line journals, namely, blogs featuring academic economics; Providing information in the field of entertainment, featuring animation rendered by means of a global computer network; Providing a website featuring blogs and non-downloadable publications in the nature of articles, brochures, and journal posts in the field(s) of academic economics; Educational services, namely, conducting informal on-line programs in the fields of economics, and printable materials distributed therewith; Educational services, namely, providing courses of instruction at the primary, secondary and college level level and distribution of course material in connection therewith; Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars and workshops in the field of economics and distribution of course and educational materials in connection therewith; Entertainment services, namely, personal appearances by a (an) academic economist; Entertainment services, namely, production of special effects including model-making services and related physical production elements for use in motion pictures; Entertainment services, namely, providing ongoing webisodes featuring animated videos via a global computer network; Entertainment services, namely, providing a web site featuring photographic and prose presentations featuring economics; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring animated summaries of academic economic research provided through webcasts; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring animated video programs provided through webcasts; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing multimedia program featuring animated summaries of academic economic research distributed via various platforms across multiple forms of transmission media; Entertainment services, namely, the provision of continuing programs featuring animated videos delivered by the internet;