Fredenhagen GmbH & Co. KG

 Fredenhagen GmbH & Co. KG contact information is shown below
Owner Address:Sprendlinger Landstrasse 181 D-63039 Offenbach/Main Germany
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Brands Owned byFredenhagen GmbH & Co. KG




electric and electronic controls, measuring devices, signalling and checking devices for machines and installations for handling technology equipment and for warehouse and vehicle parking machines; X-ray scanners and X-ray scanning systems consisting of X-ray scanners, conveyors and receivers;machinery and installations for handling technology; namely circular conveyors; powered and free conveyors; electric overhead conveyors and hydraulic conveyors; electrical pallet rails; driverless handling machines or lifts; pallet conveyors; belt and plate handling machines or conveyors; roller tracks; under floor conveyors; cross-bar conveyors; multi-line conveyors; drag, support, and accumulating chain conveyors; vertical handling conveyors; motor-powered lifting, lowering and tilting jacks; motor-powered machines for supplying and removing workpieces; sorting machines for packages and packets; pre-warehouse-zone conveyors; assembly and inspection belts; assembly table circular conveyors; gantry robots; automatic handlers; unit load distribution, sorting and order picking machines; bulk material and unit load installations; belt conveyors; chain-and-bucket conveyors, steel cell belts; tray and trough conveyors; chain trough conveyors; bucket conveyors; worm conveyors; bucket elevators; vibrating conveyors; slat-band conveyors; loading, cleaning and screw-tube conveyors; trough scrapers; steel plate conveyors with vertical deflection; steel plate conveyors with horizontal deflection; jigging conveyors; fixed tray conveyors; Vee-belt conveyors, lightweight belt conveyors; roller tracks; ball tables; lifting and lowering jacks; slide conveyors; skid conveyors; two-rail electric conveyors; circular conveyors; canvas sling elevators; pneumatic conveyors for unit loads; hydraulic conveyors for unit loads; loaders and unloaders for vehicles; chutes; hopper gates; receiving hoppers; chip conveyors; rakers; two-rail tracks; receiving units for bulk material; shaking grates; motor powdered shelf operating devices; walking beam supports as machinery parts; motor powered warehouse and vehicle parking houses and towers, turntables and lifting platforms and elevators to be used for motor-powdered warehouse and vehicle parking devices and installation;[ hoppers and silos made of metal ];[ installation, maintenance and repair of machines and installations for handling technology, warehouse and vehicle parking devices and installations ];[ engineering development and planning for machines and installations used for handling technology, warehouse and vehicle parking devices and installations and parts thereof ];