HM MEDICS contact information is shown below
Owner Address:455 promenade des Anglais F-06200 Nice France
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Brands Owned byHM MEDICS




Prenatal vitamins; vitamins and vitamin preparations; vitamin and mineral products; mixed vitamin preparations; vitamins in the form of tablets; pharmaceutical preparations for reducing the risks of complications during pregnancy; pharmaceutical preparations for reducing the risks of baby malformation; pharmaceutical preparations for improving sleep quality; pharmaceutical preparations for reducing fatigue; pharmaceutical preparations for immune regulation; pharmaceutical preparations for immune system regulation; pharmaceutical products for prevention of immune system diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for strengthening the immune system; pharmaceutical preparations for enhancing breast milk production and enrichment; pharmaceutical preparations for improving fertility; pharmaceutical preparations for delaying the aging of the ovaries; hormones for medical use; hormone preparations for pharmaceutical use; pharmaceutical products for hormonal disorder treatment; mixed-hormone pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical products and preparations against dry skin caused by pregnancy; pharmaceutical products and preparations against vaginal dryness; pharmaceutical preparations for regulation of cervical mucus abnormalities; medicines for regulating the menstrual cycle; medicines for fighting ovarian dystrophy; pharmaceutical preparations for fighting ovulation disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for fighting micro-nutritional deficiency; pharmaceutical preparations for oocyte stimulation; pharmaceutical preparations for facilitating embryo implantation;