bananaEd Productions

 bananaEd Productions contact information is shown below
Owner Address:1423 Taborton Rd Sand Lake NY 12153
Owner Web Site
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Brands Owned bybananaEd Productions




Production of video cassettes;The mark is a depiction of a gorilla holding a banana. Below the image of the gorilla are the words bananaEd Productions (tm). All the letters in the words bananaEd Productions (tm) are black. The gorilla's eyes, nose, and the end of the banana are black. The gorilla's eyes are highlighted with white. The gorilla's body is brown. The outside of the banana peel is yellow. The inside of the banana peel is off-white. The actual banana where it is exposed by the rolled back peel is off-white.;BANANA EDUCATION PRODUCTIONS;The color(s) black, white, brown, yellow, off-white. is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.;PRODUCTIONS;




Production of video cassettes; The mark is a depiction of an open book with the words The Reading Lady TM written across the open page surfaces. Brick red with white highlights appears on the edges, which are the book cover. Light yellow with black detailing appears on the book pages. Black outline appears in all the lettering. Purple with white highlights appears in the all the letters of the complete word The. Purple with white highlights appears in the letters Re, which are the first two letters of the word Reading. Blue violet with white highlights appears in the letters ad, which are the third and fourth letters in the word Reading Blue with light green dot and white highlights appears in the letter i, which is the fifth letter in the word Reading. Blue appears in the top half of the letter n, which is the sixth letter in the word Reading. Green with white highlights appears in the bottom half of the letter n, which is the sixth letter in the word Reading. Green with white highlights appears in the letter g, which is the seventh letter in the word Reading. Blue violet with white highlights appears in the letter L, which is the first letter in the word Lady. Blue with white highlights appears in the letter a, which is the second letter in the word Lady. Dark blue with white highlights appears in the top half of the letter d, which is the third letter in the word Lady. Green with white highlights appears in the bottom half of the letter d, which is the third letter in the word Lady. Green with white highlights appears in the letter y, which is the fourth letter in the word Lady. Black appears in both the letters T and M, which comprise the two letter TM combination.;The color(s) brick red, white, light yellow, black, purple, blue voilet, light green, blue, green, dark blue, black. is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.;READING;