Knie, Robb

 Knie, Robb contact information is shown below
Owner Address:6 Horizon Road #1903 Fort Lee NJ 07024
Owner Web Site
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Brands Owned byKnie, Robb




Consumer coupons downloaded from a global computer network;Coupon books; Coupons;Loyalty coupon payment processing services;I AM HUNGRY I AM HUNGRY;An interactive web site for users to review and rate internet content, people, companies, products and/or services utilizing a software application to award points whereby web site users are eligible to exchange points earned for promotional items consisting of coupons, rebates, discounts or special offerings on goods and/or service provided by web site sponsors; Promoting and marketing the goods and services of others by distributing advertising material, coupons and discount offers via text messages; Promoting the goods and services of others by providing a community-driven web site featuring user-submitted content in the nature of coupons, rebates, price-comparison information, product reviews, links to the retail web sites of others, and discount information; Promoting the goods and services of others by providing a web site featuring coupons, rebates, price-comparison information, product reviews, links to the retail web sites of others, and discount information; Promoting the goods and services of others by providing a website featuring coupons, rebates, price-comparison information, product reviews, links to the retail websites of others, and discount information; Promoting the goods and services of others by providing an interactive website where users can increase the current value of an online discount being offered by purchasing the goods and services associated with that discount in the form of an online coupon, voucher or gift card; Promoting the goods of others, namely, providing coupons, rebates and vouchers for the goods of others; Promoting the goods of others, namely, providing information regarding discounts, coupons, rebates, vouchers and special offers for the goods of others; Promoting the sale of goods and services of others through electronic couponing, promotions and discounts; Promotional services, namely, distribution of advertising flyers, coupons, catalogs and promotional items of others; Promotional services, namely, promoting the goods of others by means of providing online coupons; Providing incentive award programs for customers through the issuance and processing of loyalty coupons for frequent use of participating businesses;




YOU POP;Conducting public opinion polls;

Category: YOU POP