Land on Earth, Inc.

 Land on Earth, Inc. contact information is shown below
Owner Address:14100 San Pedro Ave., Suite 101 San Antonio TX 78232
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byLand on Earth, Inc.




real estate listing; providing real estate listings and real estate information via the Internet; providing an Internet website portal offering information in the field of real estate concerning the purchase and sale of residential real property; providing residential real estate listings in different neighborhoods and communities and real estate information via the Internet; providing a searchable website featuring financial information about existing purchase and sale transactions of residential real property; real estate brokerage services featuring real estate advisory services for carrying out the purchase and sale of residential real property, providing real estate financial transaction information, and arrangement of tours of residential real property;Real estate marketing services; providing real estate leads for prospective purchasers; providing real estate marketing services via a searchable website, namely, providing an interactive real estate website which promotes residential real property through offering prospective purchasers and sellers real estate listings market analysis, comparison data, property descriptions, prices, locations, maps, neighborhood information, and other information that would be influential to a prospective purchaser or seller in making a purchase or sale decision; market analysis and research;providing real estate marketing services via a searchable website, namely, providing an interactive real estate website featuring technology that enables users to promote residential real property through offering prospective purchasers and sellers real estate listings market analysis, comparison data, property descriptions, prices, locations, maps, neighborhood information, and other information that would be influential to a prospective purchaser or seller in making a purchase or sale decision;