Physicians' Telecom, LLC

 Physicians' Telecom, LLC contact information is shown below
Owner Address:15 Honey Hollow Road Pound Ridge NY 10576
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byPhysicians' Telecom, LLC




On-line services, namely, providing a wide range of general interest medical educational information via global computer information networks; providing web sites featuring a wide range of general interest information on conference sites, seminar locales, continuing education centers and medical educational services via global computer information networks;Communication services, namely, electronic mail services, paging services, video teleconferencing services, providing multiple-user access to global computer networks, telephone answering services, telephone screening services, cellular telephone services, electronic voice messaging, namely, the recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice messages by telephone; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network including personal communications services, wireless communications services, ISDN and other commodity transport services, doctor to doctor! medical personnel! medical facility! patient! physicians' office communications services; performing all of the above communications services with provisions for limiting access or types of access to approved persons or classes of persons;NOTIFY PROFESSIONAL;




Equipment, namely computer database hardware, database servers, web servers, telephones, computer networking hardware and software, cellular phones, pagers, wireless personal digital assistants, electronic mail servers, personal computers, web browsers, computer telephony interface cards, network telephones for providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network, for providing telephone services, on-line services, pager services, electronic mail services, database services and computing services; equipment, namely, microphones, headsets, computer network connectivity hardware and software, modems, fax machines, computer data storage hardware and software, multi-user telephone conferencing hardware and software for providing voice mail and automated answering services; network telephones for telecommunications services with voice activated features, touch screen activated features, messaging displayed on a menu-driven screen associated with the equipment through which the service is provided;Communication services, namely, electronic mail services, paging services, providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network, telephone communications services, wireless telephone communications services, telephone screening services, electronic voice messaging services, namely, the recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice messages by telephone, providing multi-user access to global computer networks, providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network including personal communications services and ISDN services; performing all of the above services with provisions for limiting access or types of access to approved persons or classes of persons;V PORT;On-line services, namely, providing a wide range of general interest medical information via global computer information networks;