Ramen, LLC

 Ramen, LLC contact information is shown below
Owner Address:511 Mountain View Boulder CO 80302
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byRamen, LLC




Providing a website at which entrepreneurs and businesses post company profiles to attract funding and customer feedback; Providing a website where users can offer goods for presale; Providing a website for connecting sellers with buyers; Development of marketing strategies, programs and tactics, namely, audience development, brand awareness, customer relations, online community building and digital word of mouth communications; Operating on-line marketplaces for sellers of goods and/or services; Promoting and showcasing the goods and services of others in the field of software-based businesses, projects and startup companies; Computerized on-line ordering featuring general merchandise and general consumer goods; Providing a searchable on-line advertising guide featuring the goods and services of other on-line vendors via the internet in the field of software-based businesses, projects and startup companies; Providing a website featuring evaluative feedback and product ratings of consumer services of others in the field of evaluating sellers' goods and services, the value and prices of sellers' goods and services, buyers' and sellers' performance and overall experience in connection therewith;Providing temporary use of an on-line computer software platform for use in presale and fundraising for software-based businesses, projects and startup companies;