US Bound, Inc.

 US Bound, Inc. contact information is shown below
Owner Address:1269 6th Avenue, #2 San Francisco CA 94122
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byUS Bound, Inc.




Providing information via a website, namely, information about housing services for persons moving to another country, namely, information about real property acquisition to facilitate home ownership; real estate listing services for housing rentals and apartment rentals for persons moving to another country; providing information via a website to persons moving to another country, namely, banking information in the field of obtaining U.S. banking, credit and credit cards;Providing on-line referrals in the field of immigration attorneys via a website; providing information via a website, namely, providing on-line referrals in the field of immigration attorneys; providing information via a website to persons moving to another country, namely, taxation planning information in the field of cross-border and international taxation;Providing information in the field of immigration law via a website; providing information in the field of American culture useful to persons moving from another country via a website; providing information via a website, namely, country-specific legal information in the field of immigration law useful to persons immigrating; providing information via a website, namely, legal information in the field of foreign and domestic government regulatory requirements for on obtaining work permits in another country; providing information via a website to persons moving to another country, namely, legal information on in the field of cross border and international taxation; providing information via a website, namely, advice, tips and tricks in the field of the cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles of people living in the United States;Computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for persons relocating to the U.S. for the purpose of participating in discussions, and for sharing advice, experiences, tips and tricks on moving to and living in the U.S.; Computer services, namely, providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, book marking, transmission, storage, and sharing of information useful to persons moving to the United States from another country;