Xenetic Biosciences

 Xenetic Biosciences contact information is shown below
Owner Address:18 Pall Mall Street London United Kingdom
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Brands Owned byXenetic Biosciences




Pharmaceutical and therapeutic preparations; drug delivery systems; liposomal drug delivery and polymer-based drug delivery systems; vaccines; DNA vaccines; polysialylation systems; delivery systems for therapeutic agents based on polysialic acid derivatives of drugs, proteins, micro-organisms, liposomes, or other biocompatible particles; preparations for prolonging the active life of pharmaceutical preparations and protecting them against degradation after administration into the body;Chemical products used in industry and science; chemicals used in preparation of pharmaceutical and therapeutic preparations; chemicals used in preparation of vaccines and drug delivery systems; chemicals used in preparation of liposomal drug delivery and polymer-based drug delivery systems;Medical and scientific research; medical and scientific research relating to delivery systems for therapeutic agents based on polysialic acid derivatives of drugs, proteins, micro-organisms, liposomes, or other biocompatible particles; discovery, development and design of pharmaceutical and therapeutic preparations; research, development and provision of information relating to drug delivery systems, vaccines, genetic vaccines and preparations for prolonging the active life of therapeutic preparations; licensing technology concerning all the aforesaid to others;