ZAMBAITI, GIANCARLO contact information is shown below
Owner Address:Via Montegrappa, 68 1-24026 LEFFE, Bergamo Italy
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax






sidearms;trunks and suitcases;board, card and computer games, dolls, action figures, stuffed animals, toy and model trains, automobiles, trucks, airplanes and ships and kits for making the same, toy soldiers and armour for toy soldiers in kit form, musical toys, gym and sports equipment; namely, rackets for playing games, ring games, roller skates, skis, sleighs, and stationary exercise machines;wall paper, packaging paper, cardboard tubes and boxes, and corrugated board;perfumes, cosmetics; namely, cleaning milks, skin toners, cleaning masks, mask creams, day creams, night creams, facial oils, body oils, bath oils, shampoos, skin creams, skin lotions, personal deodorants, make-up, transparant body powder, compact powder, shadows, mascara, lipstick, lip and nail enamels, lip gloss and eye pencils, body massage creams, sun creams, body-waxes and depilators;watches and chronometers;dresses, undergarments and shoes;firearms, ammunition and bullets;table, house, bed and bathroom linens, blankets and table covers, textile for use in making clothing, towels, awnings, calico, bed covers and linen, cotton fabric and damask, taffeta, velvet, silk fabrics for printing patters, woolen fabric, terry-cloth, bed sheets and quilts;The stippling shown in the drawing is a feature of the mark and is not intended to indicate color.;The word portion of applicant's mark; namely, LEGION ETRANGERE may be translated as foreign legion.;

Category: SIDEARMS