Sock for treatment of foot and leg wounds, methods of use and manufacture

Patent Number: 9387125

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

A tubular body is configured to be disposed around and to apply compression to an extremity. The tubular body includes a treatment area having a first filament and a second filament. Both the first filament and the second filament are disposed to engage the surface of the extremity. The first filament includes AgNP in a concentration effective to promote healing of a wound on the surface of the extremity. The second filament includes a metal having a composition that forms a galvanic couple with silver. The first filament and the second filament are arranged in the tubular body such that the AgNP and metal form galvanic couples across at least a portion of the treatment area when in the presence of a fluid in the wound of the extremity that produce an electric current in an amount effective to further promote healing of the wound.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Marcus Duda - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 61 F 13 00
A 61 F 13 08
A 61 F 13 06
A 61 N 1 32


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VIVE WEAR LLC - - - - -