Tobacco smoke filter for smoking device with porous mass of active particulate

Patent Number: 9386803

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

A tobacco smoking device comprises a porous mass of active particles adapted to enhance a tobacco smoke flowing over said active particles and binder particles. The active particles comprises about 1-99% weight of the porous mass, and the binder particles comprises about 1-99% weight of said porous mass. The active particles and said binder particles are bound together at randomly distributed points throughout the porous mass. The active particles have a greater particle size than the binder particles.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Peter A. Burke - - -
Raymond M. Robertson - - -
Ramesh Srinivasan - - -
Meinhard Gusik - - -
Julia Hufen - - -
Luis Jimenez - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 24 D 3 12
A 24 D 3 06
A 24 D 3 08
A 24 D 3 16
D 04 H 1 407
A 24 D 3 14


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Celanese Acetate LLC - - - - -