Ultrasound machine providing composite image data

Patent Number: 9386965

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

An ultrasound imaging system combines successive images of a time series to produce high-resolution ultrasound. A piecewise registration process and deemphasizing of high-frequency spatial components may be used to aid in the combination process. A high-definition image may be obtained with or separately from this process by combining different images obtained with different ultrasound frequencies. The images are weighted to accentuate the contribution of high-frequency ultrasound data at the leading edge of imaged structure.


First Name Last Name City State Country
William A. Sethares - - -
Ray Vanderby, Jr. - - -
Mon-Ju Wu - - -
Joseph Karls - - -
Sarah Kuehl - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
G 06 K 9 00
A 61 B 8 08
G 06 T 7 00
A 61 B 8 00
A 61 B 8 14


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation - - - - -