X-ray imaging apparatus, x-ray image generation method, and 3D imaging apparatus

Patent Number: 9386956

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

The X-ray imaging apparatus includes an X-ray source that emits X-rays to an object at different original-view positions, an X-ray detector that acquires original-view images by detecting X-rays having passed through the object, and an image controller that reconstructs a 3D volume image representation of the object from the original-view images and generates close-view images by virtually emitting X-rays to the 3D volume image representation of the object at a shorter distance than a distance between the X-ray source and the object.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Jae Hak Lee - - -
Jong Ha Lee - - -
Young Hun Sung - - -
Kwang Eun Jang - - -
Kang Lee - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
G 06 T 15 00
A 61 B 6 02
A 61 B 6 04
A 61 B 6 00
G 06 T 11 00


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - - - - -